To reclaim expenses following an event, please send an email to [email protected] with the following information:
Travel Expenses (public transport or car at 20p per mile to/from event centre + additional mileage on event)
A cap on travel expenses to/from the event applies - see below.
EITHER bus or train fare to event centre and back:
OR return mileage from home to event centre and back:
Additional mileage on event:
Total mileage:
Home postcode:
Itemised Expenses (please attach receipts):
Eg. Fuel – Morrisons - £100.00
Total itemised expenses: £
Bank Details
Account Name:
Account Number:
Sort Code:
Payment would be expected within with 7 days but could take up to 30 days. Please check your account but don’t hesitate to contact if you have any queries.
Event Team Expenses Policy:
Authorisation Procedure
For all non-travel expenses, as detailed below, requests should be made through Charlie, Event Team Manager, via email to [email protected] and are not permitted unless authorised.
Claim Procedure
All expenses & mileage can be claimed by emailing [email protected]
The email must include evidence of purchase (i.e., receipts, vouchers or other) and your bank details. The claim should be submitted within one month of the expense being incurred, and this will be paid by BACS.
Generally, at all events overnight accommodation will be in the form of camping. It is the event team member’s responsibility to bring their own tent and camping equipment, at their own expense. This will be clarified for each event with the Operations Team.
Use of personal sleeper vans/campervans is not permitted at any events, unless specified on a per-event basis.
At some events/sites accommodation is provided in the form of bed and breakfast, this will be booked on your behalf by Ourea Events. No persons shall book their own accommodation ‘at event’ – this is not an authorised expense. If part of your travel to/from the event, or to a specific site, includes an overnight stay, this will be at your own expense and cannot be claimed.
Generally, at all events, food/catering will be provided by the Catering Team. This will include breakfast, lunch, evening meal and refreshments. Therefore, no additional food during this time will be reimbursed.
If your working hours at/for the event start before, or end after, the catering service is fully operational then the reasonable cost of all meals, (breakfast, lunch, evening meal and refreshments), as outlined below, whilst working onsite will be reimbursed. All expensed meals must be supported by a relevant timed receipt.
Target breakfast cost: under £10pp
Target lunch cost: under £10pp
Target evening meal cost: under £15pp
If your job role on the event requires you to be away from the event site during meal times (breakfast, lunch, and evening meal) either a take-away meal will be provided or a per diem payment may be possible. This will vary per event, and will be detailed in your briefing document provided by Ourea Events.
Non-reimbursable expenses
Expenses incurred by spouses or other non-employees who accompany employees on their travels.
“Coffee stops” that aren’t strictly necessarily and unlikely to keep you within the above target costs.
Alcoholic drinks.
Travel to/from the event
There is a maximum allowance of travel expenses to/from each event which varies by event (typically £100 for our larger events and £50 for smaller events to encourage more local volunteers - we will make the limit clear on the event team sign-up page in SiEntries for a given event). If travelling by car this allowance is per vehicle not per person - if vehicle transport is shared (which we encourage!) only the driver can claim.
Taking public transport to/from the event - train or bus fares are covered, subject to the limits above.
Driving a personal vehicle to/from the event – mileage is paid at 20p per mile from the home address of the event team to the event site, as agreed in writing, and subject to the limits above.
Travel during the event
There is no limit on expenses generated during the event if driving a hire/personal vehicle, as long as they are authorised by Ourea Events and as per the conditions below.
Driving a hire vehicle – fuel for the hire vehicle will be reimbursed through the expense claim process, for which receipts must be provided. See claim procedure above.
Driving personal vehicle – driving personal vehicles during the event is not permitted. Under any circumstance where Ourea Events have requested a personal vehicle is driven then mileage is paid at 20p per mile.
Ourea Events may require that any Event Staff using their own private vehicle during an Event has a second named driver added to their insurance policy for the duration of the Event including their travel to and from the Event. This cost would be covered by Ourea Events.
Cancellation of event
In the event of cancellation by Ourea Events, Ourea Events will not be liable for any costs incurred by Event Staff, including (but not limited to) travel, accommodation and/or other costs.